Monday, October 13, 2014

Vaccinate, Or Face CPS

The hubris of the Vaccination Cult knows no bounds. Take this Facebook post gone viral from ASAP Science, for example. When calling people "fucking idiots" by default replaces a reasoned argument, you've lost 90% of your credibility, and 100% of your ability to change minds.

But let's put the Cultists' obnoxious certitude aside for second: where is their science? Are they seriously going to argue that all of the concoctions they want to forcibly pump into all children all the time are an unmitigated good? Can they seriously be suggesting - as they clearly do - that vaccinations are superior to the immune system, prophylaxis and common sense? Are the really going to argue that vaccinations are consequence-free? Nothing is consequence-free.

Vaccination Cultists are full of crap for the same reasons Global Warmers are full of crap: 1) They refuse to believe there are any alternatives to their prescriptions with what can only be described as a religious zeal; 2) Their standard rhetorical tools are demagoguery and demonization; and my favorite, 3) They haven't done any serious science that would challenge any of their conclusions, ever.

Ignore the Scientific Method, then call other people names. What a bunch of Douches.

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