Monday, September 1, 2014

The Truth Shall Set You Free

Regarding "A divided Congress returns to border crisis" (Monday Front Page), the remarks of a prominent Texas Republican and a prominent Texas Democrat offer a stark contrast in rhetoric.  In describing the likelihood that President Obama will initiate unilateral immigration reform measures through executive action, U.S. Rep. Joe Barton of Ennis is quoted as saying: “He’s making a policy mistake if he does it, and politically, he’s going to make a big mistake.”
In contrast, Houston Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is quoted as saying of her Republican colleagues: "They’re not concerned with immigration reform, they’re concerned about new voters who will possibly not vote for them.”
So there you have it.  While it is fair to say that both sides are casting this issue in political terms, it is also fair to publicly acknowledge an obvious, if unspoken public truth: Democrats promote illegal immigration to attract new voters. 
I applaud Ms. Jackson Lee for her candor.

Pete Smith
Houston, TX

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