Saturday, August 16, 2014

LTE: Nothing New

Regarding "Grand jury indicts Perry on 2 felony counts" (Saturday Front Page), one's first reaction is to ask: "what's new?"; Democrats across the land have perfected the practice of using taxpayer dollars to criminalize the activities of their opponents, mostly the Republican Party.  You have but to look at the Obama IRS suppressing Tea Party groups or Democrat efforts to impeach Wisconsin Gov Scott Walker for the two most recent instances. 
Closer to home, Austin Democrats are into their 11th year of persecuting former Republican House Majority leader Tom Delay, despite a previous conviction being vacated by the courts some months ago.  Delay is well past double jeopardy status, but Democrats seem comfortable squandering tax dollars for another decade to ruin the life of a man who's major offense was that he was a key player in banishing them to the political wastelands back in the 90s. 
It will be interesting to see how Rick Perry reacts: he can play it the conventional way, go radio silent and let his lawyers do the talking for him, or he can hit the streets and make this a national issue.  How I would love to see him on The Tonight Show, cutting up with Jimmy Fallon and connecting Texas Democrats with the Obama Administration.  It would be a fair comparison, and it would shine a much needed spotlight on their decades-long use of the offices of government for their political ends. 
It is time they started paying a price for their serial abuses of the public purse, and the public trust.
Pete Smith
Houston, TX

Nothing new

Regarding "Grand jury indicts Perry on 2 felony counts" (Page A1, Saturay), one's first reaction is to ask: "What's new?"

Democrats across the land have perfected the practice of using taxpayer dollars to criminalize the activities of their opponents, mostly the Republican Party. You have but to look at the Obama IRS suppressing tea party groups or Democratic efforts to impeach Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker for the two most recent instances.

Closer to home, Austin Democrats are into their 11th year of persecuting former Republican House Majority leader Tom DeLay, despite a previous conviction being vacated by the courts some months ago. DeLay is well past double jeopardy status, but Democrats seem comfortable squandering tax dollars for another decade to ruin the life of a man whose major offense was that he was a key player in banishing them to the political wastelands back in the '90s.

It will be interesting to see how Rick Perry reacts: He can play it the conventional way, go radio silent and let his lawyers do the talking for him, or he can hit the streets and make this a national issue.

Pete Smith, Houston

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