Saturday, July 5, 2014

Golf Courses Vs. Nature

Regarding "Let’s golf, not garden" (Saturday Editorials), it was refreshing to see a newspaper - any newspaper - come down on the side of Golfers.  Your argument for preserving Gus Wortham Golf Course from the clutches of "Elite Gardeners" who want to turn it into a botanical garden was well-reasoned, persuasive and funny.  Hopefully, it will have the desired effect of preserving this century old icon.
Having struck a blow for golf vs. nature, might I ask if the Chronicle would be willing to strike a blow for nature vs. golf?  I'm not aware that the Chron has voiced an opinion on the efforts of a bunch of Swells from the River Oaks Country Club to destroy nature, in this case the stretch of Buffalo Bayou that separates Memorial Park from ROCC.  The "Memorial Park Demonstration Project" is an effort on the part of Elite Golfers to spend millions in public money to strip trees, plants and other vegetation from scores of acres of public park land - much of it affectionately known to park-goers as the "Ho Chi Minh" trails - so as to improve their drainage and property values. 
These are the golfers that don't deserve the benefit of the doubt, much less public funds to carry out their plans.  An editorial to that effect would be much appreciated.
Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

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