Friday, June 13, 2014

Houston, we have Lift-off

Regarding "Carter’s HR in 10th produces big finish for series" (Friday Sports page), first off, I'm glad the Chronicle is putting the Astros' games on the front page again.  Seems like earlier in the season they were the red headed step child, priority wise speaking.
No more.  The Astros are now officially the most interesting team in baseball.  They have three prolific home run hitters, two world class Starters, several potential All Stars, and - wonder of wonders - a Bull Pen that has gone from worst to first in no time flat.  They have a better record than Boston, and are only 3 wins behind the Yankees, despite a payroll that is only a fraction of theirs.  They have put themselves in contention in just 30 days with a group of untested rookies and journeymen. 
The Astros were harshly criticized in the past year for selling off all of their so-called "legit" players and starting over.  Now, is there anybody left that doesn't wish they had done this five years ago?
Anyway, I look forward to reading about the Amazing Astros on the front page for the rest of the season.  They are the best story in town.
Pete Smith
Houston, TX

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