Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Wrong Health Care Questions

Re: "We're all footing the bill" (Monday Front Page) Todd Ackerman tells the story of an emergency room visit for a bug bite that cost $800.  The article goes on to quote various experts who debate whether Texas ought to accept Billions from the Federal government to subsidize such costs. Nowhere in the article do the experts address the two simple questions that ought to be the center of the debate:

-          How is it that our Health Care Cartels get away with charging $800 for a bug bite?

-          How is it that states  are “saving” taxpayer dollars by accepting Federal subsidies?
They have no concern for the consumer or the taxpayer because they are content with the Crony Socialism that our health care system has become.  Until those questions start getting asked, I’ll have no faith that our politicians or bureaucrats even remotely understand the problem.

Pete Smith

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