Saturday, March 24, 2012

Obama Or Romney? I'll take Obama

Regarding "Santorum's missteps add to challenge", Rick Santorum's statement suggesting four more years of President Obama might be preferable to Mitt Romney was no misstep. Like many conservatives, for me this is a no-brainer, considering the number of times we Republicans have been down this road in recent decades with our candidates: George W Bush, John McCain, Bob Dole, George HW Bush, Gerald R Ford and Richard Nixon were all Establishment politicians with little interest in conservative principles of small government and low taxes. Four of them served as president and did nothing to restrain the berserk social spending enacted by Democrats. To make matters worse, Presidents Richard Nixon and George W Bush enacted fresh rounds of social spending that would have made any Tax & Spender proud.

To paraphrase Rick Santorum, if my choices are President Obama and a Republican like Romney whose record is indistinguishable from President Obama, I'll take Obama. That's the only way Conservatives will ever break the stranglehold that Establishment Spendthrifts have on the Republican Party. There won't be any meaningful fiscal reform until that happens.

And as an added bonus, I won't have to endure another four years of blame-shifting by the Media to yet another hapless, unprincipled Republican Buffoon.

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