Monday, November 7, 2011

Welcome To The Club, Herman Cain

It's official: OffHisMeds has gotten over his snit at Herman Cain for race-pimping Rick Perry last month over the presence of the word "niggerhead" painted on a rock at the Perry family's hunting camp some 25 years ago. Notwithstanding that Cain jumped to conclusions as to Perry's involvement in the presence of that word, recent events have given Cain a similar taste of the Democrat Demagoguery that descends on any conservative who threatens the status quo, with Cain as the most recent focus of their malevolence. OffHisMeds believes this object lesson in Liberal gutter politics will make him more circumspect about using similar tactics against his opponents in the future.

Why should this matter to Cain? This year's not-so-big secret in presidential politics is that the electorate craves authenticity in a candidate. Witness Perry's meteoric rise in the polls after he declared Social Security a Ponzi Scheme. In a similar vein, Herman Cain has benefited from his unambiguous contempt for the Washington Establishment and his unabashed enthusiasm for radical tax reform. And it is no coincidence that Perry faltered in the eye of the public precisely when he started equivocating on those strongly held positions.

OHM's theory is that the Electorate is way more sophisticated than what the Establishment gives them credit for. As a prime example, witness the disdain in which the Tea Parties are held, despite their completely non-violent, thoughtful and eloquently expressed opposition to the status quo, and never more evident than when compared to the actions of the Occupy Wall Street crowd, replete as they are with instances of attacking cops, burning buildings, defecating in municipal flower beds and their non-stop incoherence. Despite the best efforts of Katie Couric and her ilk, the Tea Parties thrive and the OWS crowd looks like a bunch of petulant children.

Like I said, the Electorate craves authenticity.

Herman Cain resonates with all Voters, not because they necessarily agree with him, but because he does not deviate from his strongly held beliefs. If he continues to blow off his consultants and stays real, he'll be a credible threat to Romney, and would crush Obama in a general election.

Which brings us to the topic du jure: the sexual harassment scandal. OffHisMeds doesn't buy any of it, mostly because OHM has himself been formally accused of sexual harassment. The story the MSM does not want to tell is that accusations of sexual harassment against male bosses are not the exception, they're the rule. It happens literally thousands of times per day across America. It's as American as Apple Pie.

The script is the same as the one levered against Bill Cosby and Clarence Thomas when they went off-plantation, daring to threaten the credibility of the White Massas that run the Democrat Party. In each case, the White Massas mobilized the Media to not just attack these prominent black conservatives, but to attack them in an explicitly racist fashion, by smearing them as sexual predators, playing to the public's lesser angels in their Fear Of Black Men. Let's face it: nobody would have cared had Cosby and Thomas been accused of, say, gambling, and the same is true of Herman Cain. In fact, it's a tribute to Cain that this was the opening gambit. If this fails, the Jackals have no fallback to assassinate his character in the future.

Back to the history. Against both Cosby and Thomas, the accusations were tissue-thin and easily discredited. In each case, the charges were given legs for months, with the Media dribbling out information from anonymous sources that could not be proved or disproved. In each case, there was an attempt at a "coup de gras", a so-called credible "victim" who came forth much later in the narrative. In Thomas's case, it was the execrable Anita Hill, her of the "pubic hair in my Coke" fame. Much as Monica Lewinsky was forever soiled by a semen-stained dress, Hill was likewise discredited by her bizarre claims that Thomas used this as a come-on line.

Ironically, Lewinsky was at least provably molested by Bill Clinton, our First Black President, albeit that he managed to suppress the results of the IQ test administered to her that would have proven his offenses to be statutory. Don't fall all over yourself waiting for the MSM to pick up on that angle though. Democrats are not only immune to charges of sexual impropriety, they generally thrive on it.

As to the sexual harassment charges against Cain, don't lose any sleep waiting for the punch-line, which is that the alleged "harassment" won't have anything to do with Cain using his position to force himself sexually on these women. Rather, the one or two "provable" instances will be found to be the complainants' "discomfort" with Cain allegedly treating them differently because of their gender, which is the basis of most sexual harassment charges. Not near as sexy as Cain, say, trying to diddle them in the elevator, which is why the stories being leaked are so uniformly fact-less.

On a related note, did it strike any of you (OHM's three faithful readers) as more than passing strange that in the Perry scandal the term "niggerhead" was actually printed in most newspapers - and with wild abandon - by the mainstream media? Whatever happened to propriety? Whenever Kanye West uses the term in concert and it is remarked upon, the Media all use the standard "N----r" form, so as not to offend its reading public. Let the story be about a Republican, though, and we're right back down on the plantation, and the word "nigger" passes as freely from the lips (or pens) of righteous white Liberals as in the glory days of their ancestors.

On another note, it was passing strange that the Cain campaign blamed Perry for leaking the sexual harassment story, since this one has Mitt Romney's Machiavellian fingerprints all over it. Notwithstanding Perry's desire for payback after Cain jumped on the Niggerhead bandwagon, one need only look at who has benefited from both controversies, and that's our pal Mitt, putative Republican nominee, Establishment figurehead and soon-to-be Democrat punching bag.

Do you suppose he'll be surprised and dismayed (upon securing the Republican nomination) when Democrats and the Media start flogging his Mormonism? If Romney does win the nomination, Obama will win a second term: absolutely no doubt about it.

In all likelihood Cain will weather this storm, and the sooner he trots out his "high tech lynching" rebuttal, the better OffHisMeds will like it.

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