Friday, July 2, 2010

Just Another Day Of Presidential Finger-Pointing

Based on his behavior in the past few months, it's hard to think of Barack Obama as anything but a petulant child. Start with the Gulf Oil Spill and his insistence - after fiddling like Nero for six weeks - that he was going to "kick some ass" at BP. Move on to his serial accusations of George W. Bush, most recently when he defended the complete failure of the federal bureaucracy to respond to the BP oil spill as the result of "the past ten years of neglect" in the Minerals and Management Service, never mind that those self-same bureaucrats are virtually all Democrats, and have been for the past 40 years. We are also supposed to ignore the fact that his administration had not only been in control of the approval process for 15 months, but that his administration had awarded BP a Safety Award for the aforementioned and now infamous "Deepwater Horizon".

Never mind the facts, it's all somebody else's fault, and mostly Bush's fault.

Fast forward to Obama's recent snivel that "the past 18 months have been the most difficult" in the past century of the presidency. Oh woe is him. I wonder how many rounds of golf and number of pickup basketball games Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush played whilst they were handling - successively - World War I, The Great Depression, World War II, The first Atomic Bomb, The Cuban Missile Crisis, The Viet Nam War, The Cold War and 911, much less how many times they were getting their freak on with the First Lady at taxpayer expense in an apparently endless variety of upscale and international venues, including but not limited to Washington DC, New York City, San Francisco, London, Prague and Moscow? All combined, not as many rounds, games, freak-ons or other forms of entertainment our Indulger-In-Chief has allotted himself in these past 18 oh so burdensome months.

But then, it's been a tough year for the President. His initiatives are universally unpopular, the economy goes deeper in the tank every time he touches it, his groveling to our enemies has only emboldened them, and for the entire interval of the Gulf Oil Spill he's been taking it on the chin for doing, well, nothing about the Gulf Oil Spill. Despite the terrible political beating, OffHisMeds has still not been able to verify if Obama actually said: "I want my life back", although his remark that his Presidency has been the worst since - well - whenever, might well qualify as the equivalent. Ironic to note that his demonstrated incompetence, self-pitying remarks and stupefying inaction are vaguely reminiscent of BP CEO Tony Hayword.

Which brings us to this past week.

Unhappy that failure in the Afghanistan theatre is mounting, mostly due to his feckless and cowardly leadership, Barack Obama was spoiling for a Fall Guy and thus leapt at the opportunity to throw his supreme commander in Afghanistan, Stanley McChrystal, under the bus after an article was published in Rolling Stone wherein McChrystal and his staff had been reported to have said things critical of President Thin Skin and sundry of his lackeys. Quick as you can say "The Previous Decade Of Neglect", McChrystal was recalled, shipped to the White House, very publicly fired and subject to the ritualized degradation that Obama and his minions had previously reserved for Arizona, Arizonans, Gulf Oil Spill victims, Fox News, the chairmen of BP and General Motors, former Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Bill Gates - and of course - taxpayers.

You can mark your Scorecards in ink on this one, Sports Fans. OffHisMeds contends that it will only be a matter of time before Obama blames the whole McChrystal episode on George W. Bush, despite Obama having hand-picked McChrystal. Now, don't get OHM wrong: George W has a lot to answer for, including having laid the groundwork for this insufferable Boob to become president in the first place, but he is not responsible for Barack Hussein Obama's actions.

B.O. automatically dealt McCrystal a losing hand last year with his very public proclamation that after the Surge he would begin the troop drawdown from Afghanistan by "July 2011". Obama inflicted Karl Eikenberry and Richard Holbrooke on him as his civilian counterparts (and nominal superiors), and both worked tirelessly to undermine the war effort. As Obama's strategy failed, he very predictably sacked McChrystal, and grandstanded General David Patreus back into the theatre. Amazingly,Obama's SpinMeisters actually got the majority of the Main Stream Media and even some conservative commentators to parrot his line that the reason we were failing in Afghanistan was that McChrystal employed overly strict Rules Of Engagement coupled with a "hearts and minds" strategy to win over civilians in Afghan, in the process endangering his troops, demoralizing them and emboldening our enemies. As the Narrative goes, this was McChrystal's baby, and his alone, as if our civilian leaders up to and including the President himself had no say in the strategy.

And Obama not only bought off on that narrative, but enthusiastically embraced it. What a towering hypocrite. What a self-absorbed, mindless Hump. What a finger-pointing, womanish excuse for a man.

And what a shame that OffHisMeds will have to recycle this Riff in two year's time, substituting the name "McChrystal" with "Patreus", and listening to Obama blame somebody else for his failures, yet again.

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