Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The NFL And Their Reputation

Hey, it's a lucky thing they kept Rush Limbaugh out of the NFL; otherwise, he might reflect badly on such class acts as Bud Adams, Keith Olbermann or Michael Vick. Here's Bud being Bud, saluting the Buffalo Bills for their valiant play in losing to Tennessee:


And here's the frothing-at-the-mouth Keith Olbermann, a fixture on NFL broadcasts. Ironic to think that Rush was banished from a similar broadcasting gig by the NFL ten years ago:


Of course, many folks will see nothing wrong with Olbermann's portrayal of Michelle Malkin as a "bag of meat with lipstick", just as they will have no problem with his serial misogynistic rips of Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin over the past few years. All three are Conservative Hotties, and apparently that scares Olbermann into the near impotence that causes his rage. Just go to Youtube and Search Olbermann and the name of any prominent Republican woman who happens to be good looking, and you'll see what I mean. For good measure, Search the number of times he also goes after Carrie Prejean, the Miss California candidate who was villified for declaring her support for heterosexual marriage.


Absent any conclusive proof that Olbermann is himself a homosexual, his hatred of Conservative women who disagree with him borders on Stalker status.

He and Bill Maher should form a support group. Maher is - as I have documented in the past - another world class woman hater, content to say on his television show things about the likes of Sarah Palin that he would never say to her face. Which makes him a Pussy.

But, back to the NFL, who knows which side their bread is buttered on, and keeping their monopoly, taxpayer subsidies and $8.00 beer prices intact means doing what their masters in the Federal Government (aka the Democrat Party) tell them to do. If that involves shoving Left Wing Loonies like Olbermann or scumbags like Adams into the faces of the football-viewing public, so be it.

One final note: You'll recall that Bud Adams is the poster child for the Corporate Welfare schemes that Democrats have cooked up over the years, particularly as it relates to Taxpayer funding of stadiums. He has now milked that cow in both Houston and Tennessee. OffHisMeds will also go out on a limb and predict that he's not done. Assuming medical science can keep his sclerotic and vile personage alive another decade, Ol' Bud will abandon Tennessee and milk yet another subsidy out of yet another American City desperate for an NFL franchise.

Leopards can't change their spots.

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