Friday, August 7, 2009

LTE: Taxpayers squeezed

In regard to “Tax break will cost Cy-Fair students; District will be forced to cut back bus service to reduce the deficit” (Page B1, Tuesday), it was inevitable that Superintendent David Anthony would decide to implement cuts that penalize his customers, the families whose children go to Cy-Fair schools. Proposing cuts in bus service for all students within two miles of their schools and eliminating after-hours busing for students who participate in after-hours programs is a none-too-subtle way to put the squeeze on taxpayers to surrender their property-tax exemption.
It's too bad Anthony doesn't live in the same world as the private sector, where survival during a recession results in massive layoffs and across-the-board cuts in pay and benefits. Only in the public sector can you overprice your product and then intimidate your customers into paying more. Real cost-cutting is never an option. It's also too bad our public-school systems have no foreign competition, as does the private sector. A little dose of reality would do them, and taxpayers, a world of good.
Pete Smith, Cypress

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