Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cap And Trade - Democrats Waterloo?

Cap and Trade energy legislation has just been passed in the House. If it passes the Senate (which is doubtful), this event will mark the beginning of the end for Obama and the Democrats. This bill truly is the worst of everything:

- Submitted and passed within hours, with nobody allowed to read it, much less publicize its more grotesque elements.

- Packed with verbage that has nothing to do with energy but a whole lot to do with abrogating constitutional freedoms.

- Vastly expands the government sector and employment (Democrats) at the expense of the Private Sector (Republicans).

- A Stealth tax that greatly understates the end cost to consumers. It will not cost "hundreds" per year, it will cost thousands per year per family.

My favorite part - and only one of the reasons the Dems passed this in the dark of night - is that they will have resurrected the Kyoto Protocols, which mandated tens of billions per year of Extortion payments to the biggest polluters in the world - and most of the worst friends of democracy - such as China and Russia. We literally pay Polluters to pollute more so they can sell us even more carbon credits, which incents them to pollute evermore so that they can sell us evermore credits. Meanwhile, the worst polluters in the world are exempted from reducing their pollution in any way.

And not only are the Democrats OK with this, they are enthusiastic about it. Is there anything more absurd? We are paying the people who are doing actual damage to the planet to do more damage.

You'll recall that the Senate voted Kyoto down 99-0 during Clinton's administration because that is all the bill was about, there was adequate time to publicize its contents, and the Media was something more than what they are today: a bunch of Fluffers in Obama's Fiscal Porn film. The Stimulus bill was pushed through the same way, as was the takeover of our banks and auto companies, and you have to ask yourself: how much more undemocratic can Democracy get? This is classic Banana Republic behavior.

Makes you wonder how low the Democrats can sink. It also makes you wonder how much longer their supporters can suspend disbelief. The answer is: not too much longer.

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