Monday, March 31, 2008

Push for symbolism at Gitmo

Regarding Friday's Page A8 article "5 ex-secretaries of state want Cuba prison shut": Their rationale makes no sense.

Colin Powell, James Baker III, Henry Kissinger, Madeleine Albright and Warren Christopher all complain about the practices that offend them and allegedly damage our international reputation, but their solution is to close the prison. What does an inanimate object — in this case Guantanamo prison — have to do with anything? The "practices" they find so offensive are used by the U.S. government in various facilities and won't change just because this facility does. Instead of advocating for policy changes, they go for symbolism.

This is exactly what one would expect from the people whose policies of engagement and appeasement are largely responsible for 9/11, and also dreadfully and completely wrong.


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