Monday, May 16, 2016

First, Universities Serve Themselves

Regarding "Students pushing back on intern tuition" (Monday Business), compliments on a revealing article regarding the current state of our system of higher education.  It was revealing to learn that universities across the country are charging students tuition for the unpaid internships they do at private businesses: this was certainly not the practice when I was going to college in the 70's.

Our university system has an increasingly unsavory reputation for exploiting student labor, including thousands of teaching interns in our colleges who work for course credit and a pittance in pay, not to mention the thousands of student athletes who risk injury to earn the NCAA billions, but receive not a penny in return.

It's refreshing to learn of students challenging their university for unfair labor practices.  May their efforts shine a bright spotlight on all the ways universities exploit students, including their monopolistic pricing policies for tuition.

Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Talk About Gender Confusion

Regarding "‘Restroom law’ battle is a fight over nothing" (Sunday Outlook), transgender activist Phyllis Randolph Frye contends that attempts to restrict men from accessing women's restrooms is much ado about nothing, stating that "laws on the books already address (the) predator issue."

Nobody would dispute that laws to punish sexual predators exist, but this is the smoke screen that transgender activists constantly throw up to confuse the issue.  Simply put, under present law in most precincts, the doors of women's rest rooms are closed to all men, regardless of their sexual orientation or any criminal intent.  Transgender anti-discrimination laws as currently written throw those doors wide open to every man.
Why is it that transgender activists refuse to admit this simple truth, and why do they keep changing the subject?

Pete Smith
Cypress, TX